Hallelujah, you're in!
Your Throat Chakra Symphony  info will arrive in your inbox in about 4 - 10mins.
While you're waiting for that... If you're wanting Personal and Private
Deeper support with your ~Throat Chakra~ to Upgrade...
then consider and feel into this one time offering below. 
It's from Kari Kiazyk, Special Heart Awakening Master and Co-Host of the Throat Chakra Symphony you'll be attending with this event!

~ BRIDGING THE GAP ~ 5th Chakra upgrade ~ Private 1:1  Session
with 'Special Heart Awakening Master
Kari Kiazyk 
(Value $150) for ONLY $55

  I invite you to get this private and intimate session so you can reconnect your Throat Chakra with your High Heart, enabling you to express the truth of who you are.
This opportunity is ONLY available on this page... $55 - very limited time offer

 When you're fully connected in with your Heart and the “bridge” to your Throat is clear, you're empowered to speak freely and naturally express from your Heart with impact!

All of our chakras work together with one another and when one's blocked or impaired in some way, it impacts all of the other chakras. In terms of expression, we usually think of the throat chakra, but did you realize that there is another chakra that plays an equally important role in expression?

I am of course talking about your heart! 

Did you know that your heart is speaking to you all the time? 
Do you know how to listen to your heart?

Very important!  There's also another often overlooked chakra that comes into play… 

I'm referring to your High Heart Chakra. 

 This chakra's located directly between your Throat Chakra and your Heart Chakra. 
 It's referred to as the “bridge” between the throat and heart. 

In this 'Bridge the Gap' session, we'll upgrade the channel between your throat and heart, identifying and clearing the blockages preventing true expression. 

The High Heart: 
~ Bridges what's in your heart with your ability to communicate; 
~ Allows you to speak what you are truly feeling;
~ Bridges the connection between the emotions you are feeling and the words you put to describe those emotions, expressing them verbally.

We want the energy from the high heart to flow up to the throat to aid with communication and expression.

One of the main issues is that you've been extremely conditioned to respond with your mind and quite often you speak or express without thinking. If you're fully connected in with your Heart and the “bridge” to your Throat was clear, then you'd be able to speak freely and naturally... Express from your Heart with impact!

Your Heart has ears and is always listening, taking in everything in our environment, positive and negative…the good and the bad….. And this has a direct effect on your health. This is why it's so important to be connected in with your Heart so that you're able to Express the Truth of who you are as a reflection of the Divine.

You need this if any of these are true:
~ You have difficulty expressing your emotions or feel that you have to “hide” how you truly feel?
~  You have repressed emotions... Doubts, Fears
~  You suffer from Depression, Insomnia, Despair
~  You're Pushing people away
~  You're unable to trust or open up
~  You put up a wall to stop anyone from getting close?
~  You lack compassion or self-acceptance
~  You lack confidence in your voice and you think about what others will think of what you say
~ You're anxious, impatient, nervous, fearful
~ You struggle with forgiveness
~  You feel unheard when you speak

Let’s move you from restricted to empowered by Bridging the Gap!

If you're…
~ feeling that you are not able to freely express yourself for fear of being hurt or wronged
~ holding back and not revealing your “true” self
~ putting on a different “hat” depending on who you are in contact with so that you “fit in”
~ being a different person when out in a group, influenced by the behaviour of others

Then, this Bridging the Gap session will help to clear the obstacles that may be blocking your true expression from coming through, clearing the way for a free path between your heart and throat, lowering the drawbridge on both sides, allowing for freedom of movement on both sides.

In  this unique Bridging the Gap session, Kari Kiazyk facilitates the healing with the beautiful sounds of the crystal bowls, tuned to the major chakras. Sound healing is very powerful in raising your frequency and in bringing more light into your being!

A Reiki Master, Kari will also infuse the healing session with Reiki to elevate the energy and to channel the universal life force energy, opening the chakras, stimulating the body to find balance. 

This will
~ increase your vibration
~ stimulate your immune system
~ promote natural self-healing
~ relieve pain, tension and anxiety
~ help with depression
~ increase feelings of peace, relaxation and wellness

You will feel recharged, centered and balanced, your mood will be uplifted and you will gain a deeper sense of well-being!
BRIDGING THE GAP 5th Chakra Upgrade Session  30 minutes
+ BONUS Crystal Bowl Sound Bath 
(Value $150 )

Using Reiki combined with sound healing from the crystal bowls, Kari creates a sacred space for transformation to occur. You will feel held in a safe container as she lovingly guides you into a state of deep relaxation, stabilizing your energy and grounding you. Sound vibrations from the bowls help to open, clear and balance the chakras, releasing stuck energy: like an energetic massage, it leaves you feeling balanced and replenished!

Then, she will identify the primary obstruction blocking the energy from flowing freely between your throat and heart. She will clear this obstruction, lowering the drawbridge between the 2 chakras, enabling them to work together in Perfect Alignment and Harmony!
Along with the details of the obstruction ~ when it was created, why and for what lesson that was to be learned, you will receive a beautiful, inspired, meaningful message from your Heart.
Your ability to speak truth and to truly reconnect with your Heart will be increased, with the bridging of the gap between your throat and heart, you will be able to freely express how you truly feel.

Crystal Bowl Sound Bath Bonus for deep relaxation - upon signing up, you will receive a beautiful 10 minute sound bath which will lower stress and anxiety, improve mood and well being, soothe the nervous system and bringing the body into a state of vibrational balance and harmony.

Kari will Facilitate...

This session will start to bring you into alignment with the best version of yourself. 
 All of your chakras will be balanced and will start working together, helping your body to remember your natural state ~ the Truth of Who You Are!

Soothing, Relaxing, Rejuvenating, Revitalizing!

Soothing tones from the chakra-tuned singing bowls infused with the deeply healing energies of Reiki, will gently rebalance your body’s energy centres, promoting physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. 
It is a deeply relaxing experience, leaving you feeling rejuvenated and revitalized.  
Afterwards you'll feel more expansive and have more life force energy. 

Align with & Express the Truth of Who You Are!

~ Be more forgiving, compassionate, joyful, grateful
~ Be true to your heart and who you truly are at your core
~ Tap into the wisdom that your heart has for you
~ Allowing more freedom in
~ Bring more balance into your life
~ Be able to express more freely
~ Really learn how to listen
This opportunity is ONLY available on this page... $55 - very limited time offer


BRIDGING THE GAP 5th Chakra Upgrade Session + BONUS (Value $150)

Align with & Express the Truth of Who You Are!
~ Improve your mental, emotional and physical health
~ Become more empowered and confident
~ Let go of the hurt and struggle
~ Bring more balance into your life
~ Align with the truth of who you really are!


Kari is a Heart Awakening Master with a special gift to connect in with your heart, illuminating the core issue that is not in alignment with your highest good and dissolving those discordant energies so that you can awaken to your own magnificence.
Kari can help you to dissolve deeply held emotions holding you back or impacting you in some way that is not in your highest good. She is passionate about working with energy. She is a Reiki Master, Certified Medical Intuitive and Certified Intuitive Strategist with Academy for the Soul.


"My Session with Kari was simply magnificent! My Heart and my Whole Being are in such gratitude for the gift of healing and liberation that Kari has masterfully offered... Starting with her 'busting' a deeply unconscious thread of emotion that has been burdening me for years, and which I hadn't so far been able to even identify, let alone to reach to... Kari knew to spot it right away and cleared it all, in its full intensity ~ Such a relief! The whole experience was incredibly profound and magical, totally unique and so very special! Thank you Kari, literally with ALL MY HEART!"
~ Sophie


"Kari holds a beautiful, loving space for transformation. She is a natural healer and when she works on me at distance, I can feel the energy move in my body and I know that change is taking place. I have been able to resolve several emotional issues with Kari and happily recommend her.
PS- ask her about crystal bowl healing - she is truly Masterful!"
~ Janette


"That was absolutely beautiful. I felt swirling all around my throat. Thank you!" 
~ Vanessa


"That was so beautiful! First time I've ever experienced anything like this. I could feel all of the tones and then tingles in my head when Kari played for me. Thank you so much!"
~ Stacey

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