Hallelujah, you're in!
Your Heart Heal Up  info will arrive in your inbox in about 4 - 10mins.
While you're waiting for that...If you're wanting Personal and Private
Deeper support with your ~4th Chakra~ to Upgrade...
then consider and feel into this one time offering below. It's from Heidi Sue, Academy Master Teacher, a true Heart Whisperer Intuitive and Co-Host of the Heart Warming Party you'll be attending with this event!

~ Wild Heart Healing ~ 4th Chakra upgrade  ~ Private 1:1  Session
with 'Heart Whisperer' Heidi Sue
(Value $275) for ONLY $55

  I invite you to get this private and intimate session so you can clear your erratic emotional patterns, affecting your ability to hold a Serene Healing Heart Presence.
This opportunity is ONLY available on this page..$55 - very limited time offer

Your Wild Heart is seeking that Inner Balance, found within the perfect HeartCenter Reservoir of Infinite Healing Light!

Do you find yourself…

Overreacting in relationships and Sabotaging them, sometimes before they even really get started?

Running away from opportunities?

Preferring to be alone - taking actions that keep you isolated; the loner?

Feeling overwhelmed at times by Anger or wounded, bitter, frustration (maybe even lashing out ?

Or worse yet, you secretly admit you’re pining for that special someone to love you the way you want to be loved?

Do you find yourself unwilling to completely let go and trust? 
 How about not feeling worthy to receive Love from all directions?

 Doing things just to get attention (1 example can be by overachieving) ?

Have you given up on finding True, Lasting Love?

Do you wonder if you’ll ever find your True Love?

Do you find yourself pushing people away, afraid to Open Your Heart?

Let’s move you from Doubt and Uncertainty to solid HeartPower Resonance
by Taming your Wild Heart!

You're often unaware of the repelling effect you have on others when you don’t truly, honestly, love and appreciate yourself. It’s your deep, dark secret, and while you put on a brave face to the world, the energetic effects of your low self-esteem, low self-worth acts as a repellant unknowingly to you. In fact, you may not even realize you harbor these energies of inauthenticity.... We all have this present to some degree!

With this, you'll experience swings in emotions, and crazy despicable actions of others towards you. Your Heart wildly fluctuate to find that balance within yourself. When you have a Wild Heart, you’re often exposed to erratic emotions and crazy, unhealthy, unstable, not trustworthy relationship patterns.

… But what if you could truly tame that Wild Heart and mend those erratic behaviors into a state of Solid True Love Stability, to the point that you become a Beacon of Healing Light, attracting others to your Beautiful Shining Heart with your mere presence?

Heidi Sue is ingenious with a unique approach by revealing your HeartSpace’s hidden messages, reinforcing the connection between you and your Heart for a greater level of understanding and partnership.

When Taming a Wild Heart, Heidi Sue calls in support from a team of Energetic Maverick Heart Healers.
These Energetic Heart Healers come forth to provide unique HeartSpace procedures designed to further strengthen your HeartSpace’s capacity to be a Reservoir of Brilliant, Infinite Healing Light.
No two sessions are alike!

Tapping into the Higher Dimensional intelligence of these 3 minds and clearing the blocked energy takes you to the next levels of consciousness. When you have blocked energy it zaps you from your True power and from attaining your life potential.
WILD HEART HEALING 4th Chakra Upgrade Session  30 minutes
+ BONUS (Value $275 )

Heidi Sue will:

~ Cleanse and Clear energetic residue from your HeartSpace
~ Locate fissures in need of closure
~ Stabilize the HeartSpace
~ Ignite the Reservoir with your own Brilliant Healing Light flame
~ Reinforce the HeartSpace structure to hold the flame for eternity

...All so that you can radiate from your True Authentic Self with calmness, stability, recognition of the Loving Being you are, stemming from the Source of Divine Unconditional Love you know you are.

Trusting. Receiving. Being. Loving. Radiating LovingKindness.

Prepare to shift the limiting belief patterns of:

. Inability to truly trust: Are you hesitant to trust? Challenged with trusting people, places, or opportunities? Have you placed a wall around your heart?

. Uncertainty & Insecurities: Do you not appreciate yourself? Are you suspicious of other’s good deeds towards you? Do you hide your true self? Do you hide your heart?

. Frustration with life and losing control: Do you feel like a victim of rude or mean people? Do you feel out of control with life? Do you feel angry, bitter, or worse, settled into that numbness just to get by…


The 30 minute 1-1 Private session:
Heidi Sue will be working closely with your Higher Self during the private 1:1 session. She’ll create a strong and safe container, open up the communication lines between you and your HeartSpace, reveal the wild spots in need of taming, then bring in the Maverick Heart Healers for optimal energetic healing.

Post Session BONUS! “Taming the Heart Prescription” Audio (Value $45 )
A customized recording of your HeartSpace’s rehabilitation message specific for you after the Wild Heart Taming session. This downloadable audio is your personalized prescription for you so that you can listen to it as often as you desire.

Heidi Sue will facilitate...

~ Wrangling of your Wild Heart
~ Cleansing and clearing your HeartSpace
~ Closing gaps and fractures
~ Stabilizing your HeartSpace structure
~ Igniting of your own Heart Healing Light for Brilliant Radiance
~ Soothing you as you move forward with trust, peace, and stable joy which comes from a tamed, intact, brilliantly lit HeartSpace

Shift the limiting belief patterns of:

~ I’m not loveable.
~ Insecurities
~ Questioning the ability to trust
~ Lack of control or suffering
~ Frustration, anger, bitterness,
~ Longing for that something or someone better

Embrace the Love Essence You Are!

Truth is, to claim your True Divine gift of Unconditional Love, you must have your HeartSpace unified. The Wild Heart is a scattered heart, with your loving energies split apart and unable to support you with the unified strength needed. Your Wild Heart needs taming to bring it back into wholeness with reinforced strength to hold the Eternal Energies of Unconditional Love that you’re originally made from.
This unique session with Heidi Sue is the perfect prescription for your Wild Heart!
This opportunity is ONLY available on this page..$55 - very limited time offer

- Get out of the pain of chronic heartache
- Set yourself free from the suffering coming from beating yourself up because you don't feel good enough or aren’t worthy enough
-Stop blocking gifts of love and abundance
-Stop putting off the exhilarating moment of shining your Brilliant light for others and the World to see
- Feel good about yourself as you move in the world Radiating the Divine LovingKindness Essence you are

WILD HEART HEALING 4th Chakra Upgrade Session + BONUS (Value $275 )

Tame your Wild scattered Heart into one of unified True Love Resonance!
Ignite the World around you with naturally Brilliant Heart Healing Light Radiance that only comes from a strong, stable HeartSpace structure containing the HeartCenter Reservoir of Infinite Healing Light.

... All so that you can claim peace, self-acceptance, self-worth, and never have to explain yourself or your actions to anyone. Having the Foundational Strength of coming from that Peaceful Unified HeartCentered Presence will support you feeling confident as your True Radiant Worthy Self needs no explanation. People will be drawn to your naturally brilliant unified loving heart presence.


"Heidi Sue’s session was a beautiful exploration of the heart. You begin to discover the deeper grace and wisdom as it comes rushing into the presence. The parts of you that have been hurt and that are withholding love and light begin to soften their grip on the past. This in part is due to Heidi Sue's unconditional love that she has within her -- holding you in such a sweet and precious container. I felt myself expanding into greater levels of willingness with compassion allowing me to shine a brighter and illuminating light for others."


"Heidi Sue is a masterful HeartSpace specialist.
Heidi Sue’s presence is of utter joy, compassion and radiance, and I felt inspired to engage in the HeartSpace Exploration experience.
Heidi Sue held such a loving, safe and supportive environment, and took me on a magical journey to release unconscious trauma, dissolving barriers that prevented my Heart light to radiate and illuminate into the world. This purification unfurled my Heart and I felt immense peace, love and freedom. The Remote HeartSpace Radiance Brightenings further supported this healing, and were such a generous accompaniment to the session.
The expansion of my beloved Heart has further created seamless and effortless interactions in my corporate work with customers and colleagues alike.
I hold such reverence for Heidi Sue’s authenticity, guidance, gentleness and grace, for it was an unimaginable experience that changed the trajectory of my life.
Thank you so much Heidi Sue!!"
~ Sophia


"So much gratitude to you dear Heidi Sue for the MASTERFUL session of Heart Exploration you led with me a couple days ago... I'm still under a strong impression, my heart keeps opening and expanding, and in the window of the 13 days of Radiance Brightenings, I'm feeling held and cared for as I further integrate the healing and all the revelations and offerings that took place... A so longed-for healing that my heart had almost given up hope for, and it happened in the most powerful way and yet so smoothly, just naturally unfolding under your brilliant orchestration!!
I was amazed at all that you shared during my heart's exploration, your evocation was so clear, precise and relevant, I was right there with you, not only perceiving but truly experiencing (with pouring tears of relief and liberation) all that you were describing…
Since then, my heart has already felt confident to inspire new, empowered decisions and initiatives, reclaiming its sovereignty, free from a deep ancient fear that was bringing much restriction and constriction... And I know and feel there's more to come!!
What a gift you have!! I thought to myself "I want a gift like this!!" but it takes YOU, Heidi Sue to exquisitely own it and offer it to the world... THANK YOU <3"
~ Sophie


"Dear Heidi Sue,
Thank you for the most beautiful, and touching (figuratively AND literally!), gift of your presence, mastery and heart energy last night. It was so beautiful on many levels, and i can feel a difference in my Heart Centre ever since our session! It has changed; it is so ‘active’. I felt your blessed and loving etheric hands and energy gently working with my Heart - incredible. The insights and confirmations you have provided are truly amazing. I am grateful to have connected with you and to have been the recipient of your loving touch. You are magnificent!
Thank you again and sending you so many blessings and so much Love your way Heidi Sue! It was an honour to connect with you."
~ Michelle


"I just wanted to say thank you again! I’ve tried and experienced a few different healing modalities but this was by far the most I’ve ever felt and even crying was a new thing for me. I felt so optimistic and excited about everything to come. Like I REALLY am on my path. I wish everyone could experience your magnificent gift!! "
~ Jackie

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